Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Prevent Toxins from Building Up Inside the Body

According to studies, toxins are a major cause of many health problems throughout the western countries. Everyone is exposed to them on a regular basis either from the air, the water or the food that is consumed. The toxins may seem harmless at first, but if allowed to accumulate in the body, they can cause a wide variety of diseases.

It almost seems as though it is impossible to prevent toxins from building up inside the body, however, there are several steps that you can take in order to minimize the risk of toxic exposure.

Avoid Processed Food

Processed foods are the number one cause of a toxic buildup in the body. They are readily available at grocery stores and fast food joints making them convenient for today’s busy lifestyle. In addition, most processed foods are also highly addictive, which means that once you have them, you will most likely keep going back for more.

Learning to cook from scratch and preparing meals in advance can help to avoid the temptations of processed food. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables can help to restore nutrients so that the cravings can be reduced as well.

Eat Lots of Fiber

Fiber is to the digestive system like soap and water are to a dirty car. The fiber brushes against the toxic walls of the digestive tract and removes any accumulations from the body. A clean digestive tract in return improves digestion, which then allows for the body to be cleaned at a deeper level.

Fiber is available from all fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

Drink Lots of Water

Water is absolutely crucial for helping to prevent toxins from building up as well. Like fiber, it too helps to wash away harmful toxins throughout the body. The more toxic you are, the more you need to consume, and the amount can range anywhere from 2 to 4 quarts a day.

Exercise Regularly

The importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. Exercise increases the blood circulation in order to remove toxins at a deep cellular level. Another benefit of exercise is that it helps the body to break a sweat in order to release toxins via the skin.

Plenty of Rest

Plenty of rest is also very important in order to prevent a toxic buildup. The reason being is that it takes a lot of energy for the body to clean itself, and during sleep is when most of the cleansing and healing takes place. Therefore, it is vital that you give the body the rest that it needs each night. The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person, but in general it ranges anywhere from six to nine hours.

Periodic Fast

Although the above steps are quite effective at preventing toxins from building up within the body, a periodic water or juice fast can help to cleanse the body at a slightly deeper level. It allows the system to rest and focus on cleaning up any accumulated toxins.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Reduce the Risk of Fibromyalgia

It might seem impossible to reduce the risk of fibromyalgia especially when the cause of it is unknown. Reducing the risk, however, is possible because the risk factors seem to be clear in fibromyalgia sufferers. The disease can be devastating not only for the sufferers, but for the loved ones as well.

Fibromyalgia is commonly seen among middle-aged women, those on a poor diet or those who are exposed to heavy labor or a toxic environment. There are many other factors that seem to be associated with fibromyalgia. It is not always possible to eliminate all the risk factors, but there are many things that can be done in order to reduce the risk of fibromyalgia. Here are just a few...

Eat Healthy

One of the connections between fibromyalgia sufferers is that they all seem to have a poor diet that results in nutritional deficiencies and high toxicity levels. The toxic levels begin to rise when too many toxic foods are consumed. Food is normally not labeled as toxic, however, most processed foods are very toxic and unhealthy for the human body.

The key is to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and herbs and spices. Not only will these foods help to avoid toxins, but they also provide the body with lots of nutrients.

Detoxify Regularly

A healthy diet alone will go a long way in reducing the risk of fibromyalgia. But taking the time to detoxify on a regular basis will help to reduce the risks even more. This is because during a time of cleansing, the body is able to clean itself at a much deeper level.

Moderate Exercise

It has been observed that strenuous work or activities seem to increase the fibromyalgia risk factors. At the same time, a moderate amount of exercise is necessary in order to maintain good health. The exercise basically helps to maintain a good blood flow, which is essential for eliminating toxins at a deep cellular level. It also helps to maintain strength and energy, both of which often fade when fibro sets in.

Reduce Stress

Stress, whether it be physical or mental, can take its toll on the body. It can lead to all kinds of health problems including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Many cases have shown that fibromyalgia is associated with high stress levels.

A hot bath before bedtime and meditation are excellent ways to reduce stress. In some cases, one might also consider changing jobs in order to avoid stress in the first place.

Adequate Rest

Last but not least, it is very important to get adequate rest every night. The amount of rest needed varies from person to person, and therefore, it is important to listen to the body and rest accordingly.

One of the best ways to make sure that one is getting the right amount of rest is to get rid of the alarm clock. This way the body can wake up when it is ready to meet the day.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Diseases that Cause Body Odor

Body odor is caused when the body has accumulated toxins that it cannot eliminate through the urine or stool. As a last resort, it eliminates those toxins through sweat, which then causes a foul body odor to occur.

Body odor has become a norm for most people as they have learned to control it with proper personal hygiene such as, showering frequently and using deodorants and antiperspirants.

But for many, body odor can be a nightmare, as they are unable to control the offensive odors. They can shower several times per day, but the odors keep coming back. When this happens, the odor is usually brought on by a disease.

Kidney and Liver Diseases

The kidneys and liver are the main elimination organs that eliminate harmful toxins from the body. When they begin to slow down, the toxins begin to accumulate in the body and are then forced to come out via the sweat.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when someone with diabetes does not receive enough insulin. Insulin is needed in order for the glucose to enter into the cells of the body. But when not enough insulin is present, fat cells are used to help the glucose to enter. The breaking down of fat cells creates ketones, which in excess amounts contributes to a fruity smell on the breath, as well as a foul body odor.


Any type of infection such as skin infections, urinary tract infection and yeast infections can contribute to body odor.


Obesity also contributes to body odor as many toxins are trapped in an obese body. These toxins are unable to leave body due to slow bowel movements and thus they are forced out of the body via sweat. Following is a link to some articles that can help with weight loss as well as how to prevent weight gain in the first place. Natural Weight Loss.

Uterine Cancers

Cancers of the uterine can cause a foul smelling discharge.

Metabolic Disorders

A metabolic disorder is when a person is unable to break down all the food particles and turn them into energy. The particles that it cannot break down become toxic and thus are accumulated in the body, only to be forced out via the sweating mechanism.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation can cause harmful toxins to accumulate in the body, and thereby contribute to body odor. Here is an article on how to improve digestion.

Overactive Thyroid Glands

Overactive thyroid glands can cause the body to sweat excessively. The more the body sweats, the more toxins are released, and thus the odor increases dramatically.

Hormonal Changes

When the body goes through certain hormonal changes such as puberty and menopause, the odor is also increased.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Recovering From Fibromyalgia and Arthritis

From a medical point of view there are no cures for fibromyalgia and arthritis. However, there are many natural remedies that can be administered at home, which can not only help to relieve the pain and symptoms, but they can also help patients to recover from the diseases. And the good thing is that these remedies have no side effects, and are inexpensive.

Fibromyalgia is a muscle disorder that can affect the whole body and has many symptoms involved such as chronic fatigue, muscle spasms and cramping, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, inability to think clearly, insomnia, anxiety and depression.

Arthritis mainly affects the joints, but it can also affect the muscles and can cause them to become stiff and swollen.

Both diseases are painful and can be crippling if not taken care of properly. Mainstream medicine may not be able to do much, other than to numb the pain, but there is a lot that the individual can do to recover from the disease, one symptom at a time.

Raw Foods

Raw foods contain high amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that help to reduce inflammation and help to remove the toxins which caused the inflammation in the first place. But not only that, they can also help to improve the digestive system, ease pain, lift the mood, and allow the body to fall into a deep sleep at night.

The beneficial foods include fresh fruits and vegetables such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, avocados, grapefruit, pineapples, lemons, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, garlic, green onions, and nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds.

Herbs and spices are also excellent foods to remove toxins and reduce inflammation and pain. These include basil, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mint, oregano and parsley.

How to Use These Foods to Aid in Recovery

Fruits and vegetables can be eaten as they are by themselves, or in salads and smoothies. Vegetables tend to have a bitter taste, and thus they can easily be added in with smoothies along with sweeter fruits, such as mangoes, bananas, apples and blueberries.

Nuts and seeds are also great by themselves, or they can be mixed together in a trail mix along with dried fruits for a healthy, yet tasty snack. In addition, they are also great in salads and smoothies.

Herbs and spices are great in salad dressings, smoothies and fresh herbal teas. Grated ginger can also be applied topically in a warm compress to find immediate relief from pain due to inflammation.

Keeping Warm

Keeping warm is very helpful in reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia and arthritis because any draft can cause the symptoms to flare up. Extra clothes, hats and scarves and legwarmers can help to keep the body warm and safe from the cold. Keeping warm at night is just as important as this is the time that the body repairs itself.

Hot Bath

A hot bath is able to relax and soothe both the body and mind. It will also help to draw toxins out of the body via sweating, so that the muscles can relax even more.

The road to a full recovery is a long road, but with the right mind-set along proper rest and nutrition it can be achieved.

Treatment Options For Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is said to be a silent killer because the symptoms are similar to many common ailments such as indigestion, urinary and bladder problems as well as lower back pain. As a result, the symptoms are often overlooked and the cancer is not detected until it has reached a deadly stage.

Only about 20 percent of ovarian cancers are detected before it has begun to spread past the ovaries where it begins. When detected at an early enough stage, the cancer is treatable with both conventional and natural treatments.

Conventional Treatments. The standard conventional treatments that are used to treat ovarian cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The stage of the cancer will determine which treatment is suitable.

The type of surgery depends on how far the cancer has spread. The patient may have one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, as well as the uterus, cervix and the omentum. The omentum is a layer of fat tissues that lines the abdomen and helps to support the abdominal organs.

Chemotherapy is a drug that can be taken orally or be injected directly into the bloodstream, organs or close to the affected area to stop the growth or the spreading of cancer. Again, the type of chemotherapy depends on how far the cancer has spread.

Radiation can be administered both internally or externally, and both are designed to kill off cancerous cells. When administered externally, a machine is used to radiate the affected area. When administered internally, the radioactive material is placed near the affected area with needles or tubes known as catheters.

Natural Treatments. Due to the high death rate and negative side effects of conventional medicine, many are turning to more natural ways to treat cancer. There have been many reports of patients who have been healed with natural medicines and home remedies.

The Gerson Therapy is located in Tijuana Mexico, and it has been very effective in helping many cancer patients make a full recovery from their disease. The main method of treatment involves freshly squeezed fruit and vegetables juices. This helps the body to eliminate harmful toxins that promote the growth of cancerous cells.

Ginger root, green tea and foods high in vitamin B17 have been found to be effective in destroying cancerous cells. Vitamin B17 can be found in the seeds of apricots, apples, chia and flax, as well as in cranberries, raspberries and strawberries, alfalfa, beans and grains.

Vitamin D and selenium can help to stop the growth of cancerous cells. Vitamin D can be obtained naturally through sun exposure, and selenium is found in most nuts with a significant amount in Brazil nuts and cashews. Selenium is also found in sunflower seeds, dates, bananas, mangoes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, peas, mushrooms and coconuts.

Adding these foods to the diet will not only help to fight cancer, but they can also help to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

Monday, April 9, 2012

How Raw Foods Help Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

One of the major causes of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome is the fact that the body is too toxic and does not have enough nutrients. High toxic levels are caused by the foods that are eaten, such as processed foods. When the body does not have enough enzymes or antioxidants to rid the body of these toxins, they become lodged deep within the tissues including the muscle tissues. As a result the body becomes tired and chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia often set in.

Raw foods however, are not toxic, but rather they are full of antioxidants, living enzymes and nutrients that can help to remove the toxins from the body. These are foods that come from a plant, are not poisonous, and have not been processed, cooked, baked or heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. That includes nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices.

Nuts and seeds along with avocados can provide you with all the essential fatty acids such as omega fatty acids that your body needs. Avocados are also said to be a whole food which provide you with all the amino acids that your body needs. Thus there is no need to eat animal products.

Fruits are one of the most tasty foods, as they are sweet due to their natural sugar content. Leafy greens and herbs on the other hand may need some getting used to. But they are one of the most important foods to add into your diet, as they contain many essential nutrients, amino acids and living enzymes.

How Raw Foods Help

Antioxidants. Raw foods contain lots of antioxidants which help the body to eliminate the high amounts of toxins which have accumulated in the body over the years. As these toxins begin to leave the body the muscles can begin to relax and become stronger again.

Lots of Nutrients. Raw foods contain a lot more nutrients than cooked foods, as nutrients are easily destroyed during the cooking process. Thus raw foods can help to restore the nutritional deficiencies that are often associated with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Increased Energy. Raw foods contain a lot of fiber, which helps to eliminate wastes from the digestive tract. A clogged up digestive tract is often the cause of feeling fatigue simply because the body is working too hard at eliminating the waste.

Better Sleep. Sleep is essential for the body to feel fully rested upon waking. Raw foods can help the body to create more serotonin and melatonin which help the body to relax and fall into a deep sleep at night.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Risk Factors for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a serious muscle disorder which not only affects the muscles, but it can also affect the health of the whole body including the emotional well-being. It is a very difficult disease to diagnose, and according to mainstream medicine there is no cure. However, the disease is preventable, and knowing the risk factors can help to prevent it.

Some of the risk factors for fibromyalgia include:

Lack of Nutrients. According to studies, fibromyalgia sufferers lack certain nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and a neurotransmitter known as serotonin.

Calcium and magnesium are both muscle regulators which help the muscles to function at their best. They can help to prevent muscle fatigue, spasms and cramping.

Vitamin D plays a major role in helping the body to absorb calcium, as well as to lift the mood in order to prevent depression and anxiety. Serotonin also helps the body to feel good and lift the mood. In addition it helps the body to relax at night for a better and deeper sleep.

Thus by maintaining a proper balance of these nutrients, one can reduce the risk for fibromyalgia. These nutrients can be obtained naturally from leafy greens, avocados, bananas, nuts and seeds. Vitamin D is naturally created in the body when it is exposed to sunlight.

High Amounts of Toxins. Studies also reveal that patients with fibromyalgia are very toxic, and that these toxins play a role in the development of fibromyalgia. These toxins mainly come from the foods that are consumed such as most processed foods, fast foods, sodas, chips and other junk foods.

Therefore, those who consume these foods in large amounts on a regular basis are at a greater risk for developing fibromyalgia than those who prepare their meals from scratch and avoid junk foods.
Doing a periodic cleanse or juice fast can help to reduce toxins and thereby reduce the risk of the onset of fibromyalgia.

Strenuous Labor. Hard and strenuous labor can cause the muscles to become irritated and overworked, which can result in chronic fatigue or muscle spasms. These are not only risk factors, but are symptoms of the disease as well. Getting lots of quality sleep and rest can help to reduce the risk.

Being Female. While men can also suffer from fibromyalgia, it mainly affects women between the age of 20 to 60, especially those who are in their childbearing years.

Other Health Problems. Those who suffer from rheumatoid diseases, chronic headaches, brain fog, depression, or have experienced physical or emotional trauma are also at greater risk for fibromyalgia.

Even though medical science has not yet found a cure, there are reports of individuals who have healed themselves of the disease naturally simply by changing their lifestyle and diet.